The Third Panel of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) has ruled that donations between married spouses under the universal community property regime are not permitted. The panel considered that the proceeds of the donation made between spouses married under...20-08-2020
On 5th August 2020, Provisional Measure No. 925/2020 issued by the Brazilian Government on 19th March 2020 was converted into Law No. 14,034/2020, aiming to support the aviation industry against the economic consequences arising from the Covid-19 pandemic, laying down...10-04-2020
April 3rd, 2020 (information and measures available up to this date, subject to change as new measures are announced by the authorities) Having regard the pandemic declaration by the World Health Organization (WHO) due to the new coronavirus (Covid-19)...27-03-2020
26th March 2020 (information and measures available up to 7:00pm of this date, subject to change as new measures are announced by the authorities) Having regard the pandemic declaration by the World Health Organization (WHO) due to the new coronavirus...