Montgomery launches its “French Desk”

The Brazilian law firm Montgomery is pleased to announce the expansion of its activities in serving French clients, with the launch of its “French Desk”. The establishment of our “French Desk” reflects our commitment to offering advice, further...


We highlight below nine pillars for implementing or improving a compliance program:   Commitment and support of top management Initiative and unequivocal commitment of the company’s top management, evidenced by visible support to the program, as well as...


On its 10th anniversary, Montgomery is proud to inform its expansion in the legal market, now also in the energy sector, with the arrival of lawyer Bruna Verdi, a specialist who has led the legal departments of renowned companies such as Canadian Solar, Scatec Solar...

New Brand

With all that in mind and showcasing our international practice, our modernity, our unique Lean Full Service – LFS® model, our entrepreneurial and innovative spirit, our passion for what we do, is that we take this opportunity to launch our new trademark that...

Montgomery Dream Team

The “Montgomery Dream Team”!   On 14th June 2023, we celebrated the 10th Anniversary of our foundation with our clients and suppliers. We are, therefore, very proud to share with our network some footage of this commemorative event, where we showcased our team...