Enacted at the end of last year, the new Legal Framework of the Foreign Exchange Market, legal framework introduced by Law No. 14,286 2021, in to became effective this year (2022). Under the new legal framework, banks and often financial institutions will be able to...31-03-2022
CNIG MJSP resolution nº 45, published in the Official Gazette of the Union on 24/01/2022, aims to encourage foreigners working remotely for companies based outside Brazil to apply for temporary residence visas in Brazil, as a form of boosting the Brazilian economy....31-03-2022
The Federal Official Gazette of December 30, 2021 published Law n* 14,826, of 12/29/2021 (“Foreign Exchange Legal Framework”), which creates the new Legal Framework for the Foreign Exchange Market and provides for the modernization of the foreign exchange...30-03-2022
Neil Montgomery Neil.montgomery@montgomery.adv.br Mariana Elena Boéchat de Moura Mariana.boechat@montgomery.adv.br Most multinational companies willing to set up shop in Brazil and form a limited liability company (Ltda.), the most common, less costly and...13-01-2022
The Brazilian Federal Government issued Provisional Measure (PM) No. 1,094/2021, which was published in an additional issue of the Official Gazette of the Federal Executive on December 31, 2021, which reduces Withholding Income Tax (IRRF) on aircraft and engine...14-09-2021
Law No. 14,195 of August 26, 2021 amended several provisions of Corporate Law, from the creation of the Plural Vote to the simplification of the company formation process, laying down the following rules: 1) Amendments to the Law of Corporations: a) Plural Vote...